AI, what is it and how might it affect you and how is it already in your life?

June 06, 2023

AI, or artificial intelligence, has been something of a buzzword for the past decade or so. While we’re not quite at the I, Robot, science fiction stage in terms of advancements in this area just yet, the latest tech is making sophisticated automation a more common occurrence in our everyday lives.

AI is infiltrating every aspect of the way we live, work and play. But what is meant by the term ‘artificial intelligence’, how could it affect you, how is it already playing a vital role in all our lives, and how far will it really go?

What exactly is AI?

In its simplest form, a machine or software that is powered by AI aims to simulate human intelligence using computer science. With this in mind, it can perform selected tasks, including those that require reasoning, learning, problem solving, ideas generation, planning, and location awareness to a certain degree.

Unlike other areas of computer science, AI powered software does not need rules to be set by humans. It can generate these constraints all by itself thanks to the sophisticated level of automation made possible.

How is AI already helping?

While much talk about AI is focused on the negatives, it is important to acknowledge the positives that go hand-in-hand with artificial intelligence. Alongside making life easier at home and spearheading progressions in the business world, AI is paving the way for huge societal changes.

From health and public services to the environment (including this obsession with reaching net zero that everyone seems to have!) and biodiversity, the use of AI is benefiting them all. In the education sector, AI is removing inequality to ensure everyone has access to the support they need to tap into their talent. Digital learning opportunities can be unlocked with AI, with lessons able to be recorded and shared with students whatever their situation or location.

The optimisation provided by the use of AI means knowledge can be shared and processes automated to leave humans to get on with the other roles that can enrich society as a whole.

Could the use of AI cross the line?

There are, quite rightly, many concerns about the increasing role AI plays in all our lives. The incredible capabilities of AI mean there are ethical and moral considerations that can and should be made. Through collaboration and community however, we, the human race, can decide exactly how it can be used and where it shouldn’t be.

Through ethical AI, this amazing technology can be applied fairly, consistently and transparently to benefit all, not just the few.